Can’t Sleep, Here Are Some Natural Sleep Remedies Available in the UK

You, like everyone in the world, are finding it hard to sleep. Many of us need an extra helping hand to fall asleep and stay asleep. Stress and anxiety is one of the leading causes for sleep issues and this past year or so has been extremely stressful and anxiety making so it’s no surprise. In fact the number of people searching for sleep help and more specifically natural sleep remedies in the UK has shot up. 

That;s why I thought I would put together a selection of natural sleep remedies available in the UK, some of them are pretty global in fact, given they are free! I have also added something for those of us that may need something a bit stronger, but who don’t want to rely on sleeping pills. 

  1. Relax! 

Easier said than done, but an active mind keeps you up. One of the easiest, cheapest natural sleep remedies in the UK is helping yourself switch off from your overactive thoughts that will keep your mind restless and switched on. Try not to use social media, dating apps or check your work email for at least an hour before bed so you can disconnect from the dopamine rush that will make it extremely hard to calm your mind. Try meditation or a bath. And if a thought does pop up whilst you are lying in bed, write it down and park it. 

  1. Put your phone away! 

We are all addicted to that little device that is stuck to the palm of our hands, but the blue light from any screen (TVs included) are believed to reduce melatonin production – the hormone that indicates to our body it’s time for bed and to power down ready for sleep. If you can, have a screen detox of an hour up to bed, opt for a book or something else analogue instead! 

  1. Herbal tea not caffeine

Even having a coffee at around 3pm can have an impact on your sleep. Ideally, we should all be trying to reduce / remove caffeine from our diet, but that’s not always entirely realistic so opt for the morning to reduce the impact on melatonin production. In the evenings, after dinner go for a herbal tea to relax you. There are so many great bedtime blends now available. 

  1. Exercise 

We should all be getting some exercise each day even if it’s only a light 30 minute walk. Try not to exercise too close to bed as it can be counterintuitive and actually make you more energetic.  

  1. Natural sleeping supplements    

Natural sleep remedies in the UK are seriously popular these days and this includes stronger, more natural sleeping tablets. Now there is such a wide selection of herbal or vitamin-like sleeping tablets aimed to enhance what your body’s processes each night. Similar to how you’d take something during the day, we should also consider how to help our body each night by providing the right natural supplements that we know interact with our sleep.  

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